Find the right caregivers near you

Caregivers are the backbone of your care operations and without them, your residents or patients will go without care and your operations will ground to a halt. Kinscare is a registry of caregivers near you and our aim is to make sure that you will always have a caregiver when you need one.

We want you to succeed as a provider and to do so, we are giving you 15 days free access to our registry of caregivers.
Billed Monthly & Overview
Basic Plan


Premium Plan


Best Value

View and contact caregivers who have applied for your opening

Search aides/caregivers by licenses and shift availability

Cancel/pause your subscription anytime

Contact caregivers via email, SMS/text, and phone call

Job post fee

$ 39.99


Your job post sends email notification to caregivers

Get recommendation of potential caregivers

Kinscare is a resource that you can use to recruit caregivers when you are in urgent need of one or when you can anticipate your staffing needs.

Your subscription allows us to keep our caregiver registry up-to-date and growing. Some caregivers near you might re-locate further away from you, or get hired or simply leave the industry. As a result, we must constantly market and recruit caregivers for you.

Your low monthly subscription price lets us focus exclusively on finding caregiver(s) near you. No one knows better than you (and your patients) the frustration of being short on a caregiver.


Kinscare is an online registry of caregivers seeking employment and of providers looking to hire caregivers. Our goal is to match caregivers and providers as efficiently as possible by allowing providers and caregivers to search, sort and contact each other using popular methods such as SMS text, Whatsapp, phone calls.